ICC-Angkor / Sambho Prey Kuk Adhoc Expert Team Inspects Major Repair Works at Sambor Prei Kuk Temple Site:

On Monday, March 21, 2022, ICC-Angkor / Sambor Prei Kuk, a group of Adhoc experts visited / inspected restauration and conservation work at a number of repair sites in the Sambor Prei Kuk temple site, with the participation of several ICC-Angkor / Sambor Prei Kuk experts, accompanied by the leadership and other relevant professional officers of the NASPK.

The sites that Sambor Prei Kuk National Authority is carrying out some restaurations that experts have inspected include the tower (C1) in the Lion Temple group, the Srong Preah temple (N22) and the Sambor (N1). The other four restoration and conservation sites recommended by experts, including the Sambor Prei Kuk National Authority, will soon be implemented: the tower restauration and conservation site (S2) and the central tower conservation site (S1). Yeay Poan Temple, Prang (Z1) and Prang (Z3) Emergency Site, Trapeang Ropak Temple Group.

This review and exchange of ideas is for experts to provide recommendations that are correct or points that need to be improved in order to make those jobs work better.




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